November 15, 2011

Late For The Sky

The track Late For The Sky - Evidence featuring Slug & Aesop Rock on Evidence's most recent album Cats & Dogs, is hands down my new favorite song...

October 30, 2011

September 28, 2011

Do You Believe In Life After Thugs?

I have been on an Astronautalis kick lately. 'Do You Believe In Life After Thugs' is off of his album 'DANCEHALL HORNSOUND!!!!', which you can purchase HERE!!!! .  Recently, Astronautalis released his new album, 'This Is Our Science", which you can purchase on i-tunes. 'This Is Our Science' was even better than I expected. Astronautalis is an extremely creative and intelligent artist who has the ability to successfully switch-up his sound from track to track. Enjoy!

Dirty Heads - Believe

I loveee me some Dirty Heads! The Dirty Heads are one of my goto music groups when I can't figure out what I want to listen to. It's always the perfect occasion to rock out to some feel good music! Here's their track 'Believe', which is a song about their musical journey and their love for music, enjoy!

Life Is Cinema

I have been going through a serious Macklemore phase recently. He is incredibly talented and I have formed a deep connection to his lyrics. He has an amazing way of putting once indescribable feelings into words - basically, he has the gift to shine light on the dark corners of your mind. I thoroughly enjoy all of his songs but, there are a few that I absolutely love. 'Life Is Cinema' is one of my all time favorite jams by Macklemore!

".....And I'm the only one with the hammer to break this shell I'm in
It's gonna take me crackin' this mirror to finally be myself again
Met my potential a long time ago and I'm not stopping til I resemble him."

August 30, 2011

Grieves - Against The Bottom

'Against The Bottom' is currently one of my jammmsss. I randomly go through phases where I listen to a shit ton of Grieves. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Grieves' music all of the time. However, there are certain times when his lyrics hit a little harder and it makes you give a little less of a fuck about the current situation. On that note...
I'm over tryin to make this home, so just go
and leave me in the place that we'll always know

Prolyphic & Reanimator - Born Alone

A few days ago, I was listening to my itunes while I attempted to be productive around the house. I wasn't really paying attention to what was playing; it lost my interest and turned into background noise. Sometime later, 'Born Alone' by Prolyphic and Reanimator started playing and it stopped me in my tracks. The unique, raw, symphony of sounds and words came out of the speakers and grabbed my attention. I was absolutely blown away by the depth of Prolyphic's lyrics! I listened to Born Alone about 40 times in a row, constantly rewinding Prolyphic's verses in order to break it down and take it in. One of my favorite lines is
"I tuck my soul in my socks and hide my heart in my pockets."
 I love songs that can put my indescribable thoughts and emotions into words. I think humans have an inherent defense mechanism to tuck away issues, hide their thoughts, and cover up their feelings, in an attempt to avoid themselves. However, this defense mechanism only harms oneself because you can't let something go until you deal with it. Music is a higher revelation and every listener finds comfort in the space between the notes. Listeners establish an emotional connection when they can identify themselves through a particular song. Through this revelation, cloudy emotions become clear thoughts, and clear thoughts become solid words. Music allows people to lose themselves and find themselves at the exact same moment!

August 24, 2011

Prof - Yeah Buddy!

This song, 'Yeah Buddy', is from Prof's new album King Gampo. You can download the album for free HERE !!! I recently had the pleasure of seeing Prof on the Family Vacation Tour, where he opened up for Atmosphere. Prof absolutely murdered his performance and I immediately became a fan. I have not taken the King Gampo album out of my car CD player since its release date because it puts me in a fanfuckingtastic mood. I love Prof's unique approach to music and the feel good beats. I'm definitely excited to see what the future has in store for Prof!

July 29, 2011

Sol - Dear Friends

I love this song! It has been my jam (and ringtone) for the past few days. I'm digging the direction Sol takes with his music! I would highly recommend listening to his EP trilogy 'Dear Friends, Volume 1, 2 & 3. This dude has some serious talent and I love that you can hear his emotion in the lyrics. My favorite line is "Your problem with me is not a problem to me." That line is so simple but it hits so hard! I look forward to seeing what musical gems Sol drops in the future!

July 07, 2011

I Am Myself

"I Am Myself" by Raw Produce ft. Mr. Lif is responsible for sparking my initial interest in underground hip-hop. I first heard this song way back when I was in eighth grade and it is still one of my favorite songs to date. From what I have witnessed, this song has not received the respect that it deserves. I couldn't even find it at the local record store that usually has everything I am looking for. More people need to have the pleasure of hearing this song! Here's a little background on Raw Produce: In the mid 90s Raw Produce helped to re-establish the artistic merits of independent hip-hop. At a time when major labels dominated the landscape, Pitch (Damian Roskill) and Cadence (Seth Boyd) independently released three classic singles featuring sophisticated production, strong lyrical content and a sense of humor and intelligence lacking in much of the music of the day. I hope you enjoy listening to this gem of a throwback! 

July 05, 2011

If There's Love

This song, "If There's Love" by Citizen Cope, is one of my all time favorite songs. Whenever I listen to it, or any song by Citizen Cope for that matter, I'm instantly relaxed and my spirit is lifted. Citizen Cope has a unique ability to combine music and words in a way that grabs the listener's attention in order to lead them on a calming and self-reflective musical journey. Enjoy!

May 28, 2011

Missing Teeth

This is my jammmm of the day..I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and some fuckitall in my system...nothing can get under my skin today :) .A person's surroundings and situations can only affect them as much as they allow them to. I am the only one who has control over my mind. I choose how I react to daily situations and my surroundings. In other words, I control my own happiness and no one has the power to make me feel otherwise. I do not harbor negative thoughts or welcome negative people into my life...soo if you come around my way with your negative nancy pants on, I'm gonna put my headphones on and chuck a deuce in your direction :)

May 13, 2011

We Don't Need Tomorrow To See Today

Do your ears a serious favor and watch the video for 'See Today' by Soulcrate. This song is amazing and truly unique...I've never heard anything like this! 'See Today' is the first Soulcrate song I have listened all honesty, this was the first time I even heard of them. I wish I would have discovered Soulcrate sooner because this is the type of music my ears have been craving. For as long as I can remember, I've been searching for a new style of energetic music that has a high regard for soul and classic hip-hop. Since listening to this song, I have downloaded all of the Soulcrate music I can find. Every Soulcrate song that I have come across has an amazing ability to captivate the listener, draw them in even deeper, and leave them clinging to every last poetic word. I am sooooo happy that Soulcrate is the newest stepping stone on my musical journey...what an awesome direction I'm headed in!

"I'd rather life be a stumble than a graceful dance..."

May 10, 2011

Eyes Like X's Tounges Like Figure 8's

I first heard this song back in November 2009 when I bought 'Felt 3: A Tribute Rosie Perez'. I enjoyed the song back then, but I LOVE it now. 'Give It Up' has been my jammmmm recently. I have been of fan of Murs and Slug since as long as I can remember. They both have a unique musical style and are able to make a powerful impression with their rhymes. Murs and Slug are amazing as individual artists, but there is just something about them when they collaborate. I can't really explain it, but I just love how Murs and Slug can flow so smoothly back and forth. Ahhh, it is like sexxx to my ears! As a fan, I know I will always be able to count on them to fly high above the pathetic 'hip-hop-rap-pop'  tsunami the rest of the music industry is drowning in.
...Swim together or drown separate...

May 06, 2011

Just For Show

For awhile now, I have been trying to decide which song on Atmosphere's new album is my favorite. 'The Family Sign' is one of those rare albums that you can listen to on repeat. Every time I listen to it I connect to a different song....however, I may have come to the conclusion that track number 4, 'Just For Show' is my favorite. This song tugs on my heartstrings in a good way - in a way that pumps me up, it puts me in a fantastic mood! I love when Slug just tells it like it is


I love the feeling of playing an old mixed CD and falling into a song from my past. I used to rockkk outt to this song but somewhere down the road it became lost in the clusterfuck of anonymous mixed CDs scattered throughout my car. Anyways, I fished this CD out, popped it into the player, and fell in love with it all over again. I love, Love, love, musical trips down memory lane!

May 04, 2011

Bloody Poetry

Check out Grieves' new song Bloody Poetry from his upcoming album Together/Apart. I am a big fan of him and used to post his music in my old blog....which means I will have to post some of his throw backs later. Grieves is an incredibly talented artist that intertwines pure poetry and music to take you on a musical journey inside of yourself. I find so much comfort and advice in his words and I can't wait to hear his new album!